Double Tax Agreement with Sweden

Double Tax Agreement with Sweden: All You Need to Know

Sweden is a Nordic country known for its high standard of living, excellent healthcare, and education system. If you are a foreign investor planning to invest in Sweden, it`s important to understand the double tax agreement (DTA) between your country and Sweden. A DTA is an agreement between two countries to avoid double taxation of income earned in one of the countries.

Here is all you need to know about the DTA with Sweden:

What is a Double Tax Agreement?

A DTA is an agreement between two countries that aims to prevent double taxation of income earned by a resident of one country in the other. Without a DTA, an individual or a company may be taxed twice on their income – once in the country where they earn the income and again in their home country. This can discourage foreign investment and hinder economic growth.

How Does a Double Tax Agreement Work?

A DTA works by allocating the taxing rights between two countries. Generally, a DTA provides that income earned in one country will be taxed only in that country or at a lower rate in the other country. The agreement also sets out the rules for determining residence, and the methods of eliminating double taxation.

For instance, suppose a UK resident earns income from Sweden. In that case, the DTA between the UK and Sweden will determine which country has the primary right to tax the income and the rate of tax applicable. If the income is already taxed in Sweden, the UK will provide a credit for the tax paid in Sweden against the UK tax payable.

What are the Benefits of a Double Tax Agreement?

The benefits of a DTA are numerous and include:

– Reduced Taxation: A DTA reduces the taxes paid on income earned in another country, encouraging foreign investment.

– Tax Credits: The agreement allows taxpayers to claim tax credits for taxes paid in another country.

– Avoidance of Double Taxation: The agreement eliminates the problem of double taxation of the same income, making cross-border investments more attractive.

Double Tax Agreement between Sweden and the UK

The DTA between Sweden and the UK came into effect on January 1st, 2013. The agreement provides for the allocation of taxing rights for different types of income, including dividends, interest, and royalties. It also provides for the elimination of double taxation, tax credits, and the exchange of information between the two countries` tax authorities.


A DTA is an essential tool for facilitating cross-border investment and avoiding double taxation. Understanding the DTA between your country and Sweden is crucial if you plan to invest or do business in Sweden. Contact your tax adviser for expert guidance on how to take advantage of the benefits of the DTA.